Insulin resistance is a type of hormonal imbalance where target tissues do not respond properly to normal circulating concentrations of insulin. To maintain normal blood glucose, the pancreas compensates by secreting increased amounts of insulin. This is only effective temporarily and consequently insulin resistance increases. This sets the stage for type 11 diabetes due to failure and exhaustion of the insulin producing B-cells of the pancreas. There is a quick self-test that can give you an indication of the likelihood of insulin resistance – it is the waist to hip ratio. Take the measurement around your midline at the level of your belly button, divide this by the measurement of your hips. If it is greater than 0.8 – there is a chance you may have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance makes you store excess fat and can be a vicious cycle as it also increases your appetite thus gaining more weight. It can cause infertility in women and low testosterone in men. The good news – it is reversible with diet and exercise! Stop eating refined sugar and grains, don’t eat processed foods, increase good fats and omega 3, balance nutritional deficiencies and exercise! The only certain way of knowing if you have insulin resistance is to do an insulin response test that measures blood glucose and insulin levels. Please private message or call my clinic if you require further information or would like to take the insulin resistance test.
The deciduous trees of my street inspired me to do a post on autumn. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Metal is the energy of autumn. It is a time when nature lets go of what it no longer needs, eliminating what is unnecessary. It marks the end of the growing season, a time of turning inward and storing only what is required for winter. Autumn therefore, is a contractive season – of gathering in, pulling back and dying off. The life cycle competes itself in autumn…
Metal is the energy of the lung (yin) and large intestine (yang) meridians. The lung receives purity, it is our source of inspiration and empowers our self-worth. It enables us to discern what is of true value, giving our lives a sense of quality and higher purpose. The large intestine defines that which we no longer need and that which is not congruent to our true self. The large intestine helps us to correctly distinguish between what is useful/useless, beneficial/harmful, right/wrong, self/non-self. Physically, the large intestine has the same eliminating role, holding onto what is of value and discarding that which is not of benefit. By letting go of impurities we are able to create a space for what we do want and how we would like ourselves to be.
Emotions that particularly have a negative effect on the metal element are grief, guilt, regret, longing and the inability to let go. It is inevitable that we will experience these emotions throughout life – but as with all emotions we should move through them, feel the pain and move on. When these feelings are intense or prolonged they can create dysfunction.
This autumn I am taking a leaf out of nature’s book, I’m making a consistent effort to shed what is no longer needed or congruent with my original nature. It’s time to get rid of the old and making room for the new. To turn inward, quieten down and start the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. Within us all we have something of great value buried deep within – which like metal can hard to find but of great value. Autumn is the perfect time to contemplate and resolve out dated ways of being, or the things you are holding onto which no longer serve your highest good.
The world is growing tired of modern medicine and its failure to properly handle some dis-eases. More and more people are turning to alternative treatments such as kinesiology to address their ailments, a decision which is helping them achieve lasting results. As a leading kinesiologist in Melbourne, Kristy Allan specialises in treating the person as a whole (mind, body, and spirit) not just the symptoms or the sum of parts. Kristy believes that the true path to perfect health includes all of these elements and she strives to bring about balance and harmony throughout all of these systems to get you feeling healthy and whole once more.
Kristy has helped clients all throughout the Melbourne area; working as a kinesiologist in Fertree Gully, Box Hill, Doncaster, Ringwood, Dandenong, Wantirna and many other suburbs throughout Melbourne. It is her experience and many success stories that make her the preferred kinesiolgist in the eastern suburbs.
Kinesiology is one of the most comprehensive and holistic systems of modern natural health care. Its art and science stems from both eastern and western traditions, beautifully blending anatomy and physiology with the energetic systems that science is yet to completely comprehend. It is a modality that focuses on all the fundamental levels of our being, mind, body and spirit.
Kinesiology’s greatest potential is its ability to tap into our own mind-body wisdom. By shedding light on what is having a direct influence on the body’s processes, we are given the key to unlocking and releasing people’s mental, emotional, physical and spiritual pain.
Many people who select me as their kinesiologist in Melbourne come away with a “wow” factor, wondering how on earth I was able to pin point personal and relevant information as well as factors contributing to the clients presenting complaints. In fact, many people think kinesiologists are psychic in nature due to the accuracy of information presented in a session. As intuitive as I am, the truth lies with the client. The client has all of his or her own answers, the truth of any situation, past or present. The task of me, as a therapist, is to guide the client in discovering these truths. In working with the client’s innate intelligence, namely the subconscious and higher self, we are able to allow the process to lead back to the cause, past the smoke screen of protest by the conscious mind, to seek the key which can unlock each person’s dysfunction and dis-ease. For only by discovering the hidden cause is the healing likely to be lasting.
Communication with the client’s subconscious and higher mind is established through the use of an indicator muscle, namely the brachioradialis located in the forearm. The kinesiologist and the client form an energetic circuit where communication flows freely between the two individuals. The kinesiologist will be asking the client’s body if the ailment or complaint is located at a structural, biochemical, mental/emotional or spiritual level and the client’s body responds via the indicator muscle. The kinesiologist reads the physical and energetic imprint of the presenting issue and what is required to restore function and balance. Usually multiple factors are involved, and through my experience as a practitioner, it appears everything the body manifests first began on an energetic level, brought into being by thought processes, facilitated by emotions and then physically realised. This is why there is so much more to our health problems than meets the eye. Mind, body and spirit are inseparable and that which affects one will inevitably affect the other.
Kinesiology addresses the connection between the patient’s consciousness and his or her complaints. The body has an innate ability and desire to be healthy. Given the opportunity, it also has the amazing capacity to heal itself. The process of healing involves fusing together the fracture that splits body from mind and erasing dysfunctional patterns that contribute to the dis-ease state. Due to the nature of us as unique individuals with our own unique life experiences, no two kinesiology sessions will ever be the same. I find this aspect of kinesiology so refreshing and to be a true patient centred approach to health and wellbeing.
Through practising Kinesiology in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, I have seen the phenomena of the mind-body connection constantly at work, where emotional or psychological factors are responsible for changes in physiology. Some examples include: an emotion stopping a cell taking up a vital nutrient; a thought form triggering imbalances within the hormonal system; a supressed trauma causing an organ system to become imbalanced; a deeply held belief causing neurotransmitter irregularities – the list is endless.
Restore balance and you restore function. As the client’s body is the guiding intelligence in kinesiology, there is no second guessing the root cause of the problem. A kinesiology session is all about peeling back the layers to reveal the many factors that have been involved in the manifestation of the dis-ease. Sometimes this is a quick resolution and other times more sessions are required. The client’s innate wisdom is the one who determines the revelations and progress suited to their individual needs. Nothing is given that the client can’t handle. Gentle techniques are used to restore the body back to balance, including acupressure and various form of vibrational medicine. Vibrational healing is a powerful form of medicine that bypasses the physical. It has the ability to clear old limiting beliefs and effectively restores and promotes free flowing vital energy to the cells and tissues of our bodies. Lifestyle modifications and nutritional recommendations form part of the whole client approach.
So if you have found that modern medicine just isn't doing the trick, do not hesitate to try out a kinesiologist in the eastern suburbs. We can give you much needed relief for your ailments through natural methods which are quite affordable. We also invite you to browse and read our articles for more information.
See what a kinesiologist in Ferntree Gully, Burwood and nearby suburbs can do for you by contacting our team today.